Just one month left to submit your proposal to MayDay Group Colloquium 33: Social Media for Good or Evil in Music Learning and Teaching, co-hosted by Janice Waldron and Danielle Sirek at University of Windsor, June 8th-11th, 2022! To read the full call for proposals, please click here.
The MayDay Group is pleased to share several book announcements: Music, Leisure, Education: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, by Roger Mantie; Rethinking Music Education and Social Change, by Alexandra Kertz-Welzel; and Music Schools: Best Teaching Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools that Educate through Music, edited by José Luis Aróstegui, Gabriel Rusinek and Antonio Fernández-Jiménez. Congratulations!
The International Society for Music Education (ISME) has announced that the conference will now be virtual, and the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) Canada Conference 2022 has extended their deadline. Included in this newsletter are calls for The Journal of Music Research Online, 4th Symposium of the LGBTQ+ Music Study Group, Developmental Science special issue on Music in Development, Decolonizing East Asia in Music Research and Pedagogy, and the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Music Education Special Interest Group Awards. For those hoping to attend the New Directions conference in 2023, please save the date.
Conferences & Calls
Nominations & Awards
Job Announcements
Read the full newsletter here: https://conta.cc/3s8Puv8