The MayDay Group is extending the deadline for MayDay Group Colloquium 35: Theory & Philosophy at University of Victoria, Canada (June 9-12, 2024), to January 14th, 2024. We hope to see you there!
The MayDay Group invites scholars, music makers, educators, and innovators from around the globe to submit proposals to this year’s colloquium centered on the following action ideal:
Theory and Philosophy
We actively engage with and generate theory and philosophy to understand the relationship(s) between musical actions and their contextual meanings and values.
We account for the fullest range of meanings and modes of thinking inherent in individual and collective musical actions. This requires asking new questions and developing robust toolkits for understanding and theorizing how we position and are positioned as part of larger groups and practices operating within multiple layers of social, cultural, spiritual, geographical, historical, and political contexts. In so doing, we work to avoid the trappings of narrative frameworks that may oppress or misrepresent the contexts in which we seek greater theoretical and philosophical understandings. We embrace pluralism in knowledge construction (e.g., Indigenous, queer, feminist) which promotes interpretations of musical actions from multiple worldviews and creates more equitable representation.
What are the problematics of using Western theories and philosophies to understand the relationship between non-Western musical actions and their contextual meanings and values?
What are the possibilities and limitations of embracing pluralism in knowledge construction in music education through multicultural, intercultural, cross-cultural, transcultural, and syncretic lenses?
How do we avoid theoretical and philosophical extractivism when interpreting musical actions from worldviews that are not our own to create more equitable representation?
What are new questions and toolkits for understanding and theorizing the positionality of music educators and education inherent in pluralist contexts?
Is there a particular non-Western philosophical lens that might transcend the issues we are dealing with in music education? How might it inform what we do in music education?
Utilitarian, Aesthetic, and praxialist music education philosophies have shaped and guided music education practices in many countries. What might be the next historical turn in music education philosophy?
Presentations—better understood at MayDay Colloquia as provocations—are designed to stimulate discussion and debate. Therefore, each presenter will be allocated 45 minutes, to include no more than 25 minutes for the presentation and no fewer than 20 minutes for discussion. Proposals that go outside the conventional scope of a provocation are encouraged. Musical engagements will also be considered. Projectors, speakers, and screens will be available, but it is completely acceptable to use no supporting technology. Presenters must register and are expected to attend the colloquium. Extenuating circumstances to in-person presentations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the colloquium coordinator if accommodations are needed due to political or health-related issues.
Please submit both: a proposal of no more than 800 words (references not included in word count) and an abstract of no more than 100 words as email attachments. Incomplete submissions will not be considered. State your name, institutional affiliation, email address, and other contact information in the body of the email only. There should be no identifiers on proposals or abstracts. Submit by January 7, 2024 January 14, 2024 (Midnight, Pacific Standard Time) to:
Proposals will be reviewed anonymously by committee and evaluated according to the following criteria: clarity of ideas, contribution to/interest for the profession, relevance and contribution to theory, and connection to the action ideal.
Registration will open April 1, 2024. If accepted, the primary presenter and any co-presenters must register for the conference no later than May 1, 2024, or forfeit their acceptance.
Registration information will be posted on the MDG 35 Colloquium website at
Accepted abstracts will be posted to the Colloquium website by May 1, 2024 and cannot be changed after that date.
QUESTIONS? Please contact us at: