About Us / Action Ideals / Governance / Steering Committee / History
MayDay Group Steering Committee (click here for current members)
1. Membership:
- Editor and Associate Editor of ACT.
- Editor and Associate Editor of TOPICS.
- Website and Social Media Manager
- Editor of the MDG Newsletter.
- Membership Chair.
- MDG Colloquium Coordinator.
- Original co-conveners of the MDG (for along as they choose to participate).
- Treasurer.
- Ex-officio members not yet named here as new MDG roles are created (e.g., see secretary).
- Six or more members-at-large, nominated, approved, and invited by Steering Committee. Members-at-large will be asked to serve for six years, with the start-up year group holding staggered terms (2 for 2 years, 2 for 4 years, 2 for 6 years). After that, two positions will be open in even-numbered years.
2. Duties:
- Coordinate, manage, and oversee all working functions of the MDG.
- Provide a discussion forum for issues concerning the operation of the MDG website, listserv/newsletter, Colloquium planning (e.g., agreeing on locations, dates, CFPs, etc.), new projects, etc.
- Set policies concerning collaborations with other organizations, including listing of other organizational sites on the MDG website, and concerning any proposed project, cooperation, or affiliation (etc.) between the MDG and other organizations.
- Seek out, select, recruit, and recommend future choices of Manager of the MDG website, TOPICS editor, membership/listserv/newsletter coordinator, Colloquium planning coordinator, Editor in Chief, new roles (e.g.,secretary), members-at-large, Webmaster(s).
- As requested by the ACT editor, provide feedback and advice concerning choices of future ACT editors.
3. Operations–discussion and dialogue:
- Issues/proposals can be brought to the Steering Committee by any of its members, or at the request of any MDG member.
- Members at large may bring an issue to the Steering Committee by contacting any Steering Committee member.
- The Steering Committee member becomes the sponsor of the issue or proposal, and functions as the Convener of the Steering Committee for that issue or proposal.
- The Convener of the Steering Committee leads the discussion and reports the results of the deliberation to the members through the listserv.
- Decisions are arrived at by consensus, soliciting input from members at large when appropriate and desirable.
- Meetings are held as the need arises, ordinarily by email.
- Any decisions/policies that affect the entire membership shall be announced to the membership.
- For disseminating certain types of report, the Steering Committee may direct the use of the web site in addition to the listserv.
ACT (Action, Theory, & Criticism for Music Education)
- Is recruited and appointed by the Steering Committee, in consultation with past editors, and serves for a term of up to five years. Reports yearly to the steering committee on current ACT accomplishments and future plans.
- Assumes all customary editorial responsibilities for ACT (e.g., receives submissions, oversees the blind review process, accepts manuscripts for publication, communicates with authors, works with guest editors, oversees the work of the production team, maintains indexing agreements with online databases).
- Delegates responsibilities, as appropriate, to the Associate Editor and members of the Production Team.
- Solicits the advice of the Editor in Chief on the day-to-day workings of ACT as warranted (e.g. controversial or ethical issues, conflicts with other MDG publications, developing trends, overall status of the submission and publication queues).
- Counsels with members of the Editorial Board (past editors in particular) on matters pertaining to their individual areas of expertise and experience.
- Consults the Editor in Chief always and in advance of any action taken on major ACT projects or innovations (e.g., the development of special themed or dialogue issues of ACT, changes in editorial board or production team memberships, policy revisions, major website updates).
- Actively seeks material for publication, drafting invitations and calls for papers in consultation with the Editor in Chief.
- Maintains high scholarly standards in the content and presentation of articles published in ACT.
TOPICS (Theory, Innovation, Policies, and Strategies for Music Education Praxis)
- After one year start-up, to be selected by the Steering Committee.
- Serves for a 5 year term.
- Assumes all customary editorial responsibilities for TOPICS (e.g., receives submissions, oversees the blind review process, accepts manuscripts for publication, communicates with authors, works with guest editors, oversees the work of the production team, establishes and maintains indexing agreements with relevant online databases).
- Delegates responsibilities, as appropriate, to the Associate Editor and members of the Production Team.
- Solicits the advice of the Editor in Chief on the day-to-day workings of TOPICS as warranted (e.g. controversial or ethical issues, conflicts with other MDG publications, developing trends, overall status of the submission and publication queues).
- Consults with the TOPICS Editorial Board (past editors in particular) on matters pertaining to their individual areas of expertise and experience.
- Consults with the Editor in Chief always and in advance of any action taken on major TOPICS projects or innovations (e.g., the development of special themed or dialogue issues of TOPICS, changes in editorial board or production team memberships, policy revisions, major website updates).
- Works in conjunction with the Associate Editor and MDG Webmaster in posting new articles/issues.
- Works in conjunction with ACT editors concerning submissions that might be better suited for ACT than for TOPICS.
Editorial Board:
- Is advisory to the Editor regarding submissions.
- Up to 15 MDG members who will vet submissions.
- Members selected by TOPICS Editor, with approval of Steering Committee.
- Rotation off the Board/replacement of 2 New Members each year (after the first-year start-up rotation).
Website and Social Media Manager
- Sought out and appointed by Steering Committee.
- No set term of office; position re-filled as it becomes available.
- Manager coordinates MDG social media presence by moderating groups and discussions as well as working to extend the visibility of the MDG through social media.
- Manager acts as the Webmaster of the MDG website (www.maydaygroup.org), handling all technical issues related to website functionality.
- Manager consults with Chair, MDG Website Editor and Listserv/Newsletter Editor on major proposed changes to website functionality and social media presence that may diverge from existing policy or practice, or otherwise deserve consideration by and consensus of the Steering committee.
- Coordinates with Chair, MDG Website Editor and editors of online journals to develop web content that may enrich and extend discussions begun in MDG publications and at MDG Colloquia.
Colloquium Coordinator
- Sought out and appointed by Steering Committee.
- No set term of office; position re-filled as it becomes available.
- In conjunction with the Steering Committee, seeks out local sponsor for the next MDG Colloquium, at least one per year.
- Coordinator works with the local sponsor for all MDG events and the Steering Committee concerning theme(s), dates, CFPs, program development, fees, and details of accommodations, etc.
- Sets agenda for each business meeting in conjunction with input from the Steering Committee.
- Runs business meeting (if present), including collecting of donations from those present.
- Takes notes and reports to general membership in a timely fashion.
- Posts report on MDG website.
- Until such time as a MDG-wide dues structure is implemented, and a treasurer appointed by the Steering Committee, donations collected at meetings will be given to the Editor of ACT for use in production costs, honoraria (e.g., webmaster), and the like.
Listserv/Newsletter Editor
- Sought out and appointed by Steering Committee.
- No set term of office; position re-filled as it becomes available.
- Sends announcements and notices to membership according to Policies established in consultation with the Steering Committee.
- Editor works with the advice of the Steering Committee and, for major changes (movement of the Newsletter to a new hosting service, etc.), approval of the Steering Committee, implementing consensus decisions it reaches and policies it sets concerning the Newsletter.
- Manager consults the Steering Committee on major proposed changes to the Newsletter, operations, policies, practices, etc., that might diverge from existing policy or otherwise deserve consideration by and consensus of the Steering committee.
- Manager coordinates and manages all aspects of the MDG Newsletter, including the processes for updating of the membership list in the service that distributes the Newsletter.
- Coordinates with the editors of online journals when submissions for publication in the Newsletter warrant consideration by other editors.
- Maintains high ethical and professional standards in the content and presentation of items published through the Newsletter.
Membership Chair
- Sought out and appointed by Steering Committee.
- No set term of office; position re-filled as it becomes available.
- Receives membership applications and maintains an updated membership list.
- Coordinates new-member procedures and current-member record updating procedures with the Website Manager and/or the Webmaster.
- Works with the Website Manager and Webmaster on ways to provide membership lists to registered members.
- Sends announcements and notices to membership through the Newsletter or through other MDG publications in collaboration with the editors.
Additional Working Areas
- Volunteers in each of the working areas of the MDG are under the leadership of the respective coordinator, editor, or manager of the area.
- Titles, job descriptions, etc., are made according to the area in question (e.g., staff positions of ACT, e-column coordinators of MDG website, etc.) and are monitored and coordinated by the head of each area.
The treasurer is a volunteer, approved by the Steering Committee, who has access to and control of an institutional account at a bank, school district, or university, funds in which can be sequestered for MayDay Group use. All revenue (for The MayDay Group from any source) and expenses (solely for MayDay Group projects and services) are to be received and disbursed from that account. The treasurer shall keep records of all revenue and expenses, and shall give a summary report to the members during business meetings at colloquiums.