Volunteered Papers / Bibliographies / Links / Audio Clips
- Volunteered Papers: The following papers, which vary in topic, length, style, and so on, have been graciously offered to the MayDay Group for public use. The MayDay Group does not explicitly endorse the views of the authors.
- Bibliographies: Lists of resources broken up by category: Critical Theory and Music Education; Policy in Music Education; Music, Equity, and Social Justice; Music and Health and ; Sociological Perspectives: Education, Music, and Music Education Literature.
- Links: Resources identified as containing information, resources, and references that may be useful for music educators concerned with “Action for Change in Music Education,” and these links are broken up by category: General Resources, Music and Health, and Teaching Praxis.
- Audio: Audio clips appear courtesy of Professor Clarke Mackey, and were originally featured on his 1998 web site, Memory Palace: Vernacular Culture in the Digital Age, “an audio-visual documentary web site committed to questioning conventional assumptions about art and culture.”